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Hi, I'm Matthew

I code to turn ideas into reality


In college, I took a degree in BS Psychology because I just found the human psyche fascinating. I wanted to learn it. I wanted to study it. Once I graduated, I pursued a career in psychometrics and became a psychometrician.


As I progressed as a psychometrician, I realized that I really needed to up my skills in statistics. Due to this, one of the things that I decided to learn was coding, so that I could delve deeper on data analysis and statistical tests, among others. However, the more I learned how to code, the more I realized how much I really liked it, all the more when I discovered web development. This reached the point where I started to consider actually changing careers.

Software Engineer

After some deliberation, I decided to take the plunge. A few freelance projects, open-source contributions, and applications later, I have now fully shifted careers and work as a software engineer with full-stack skills.