Cheatsheet: Git

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This cheatsheet assumes that you're already familiar with Git concepts and know the usual init, pull, add, commit, push flow. It aims to document commands and flags that I tend to use but forget when I haven't used them in a while.


List branches

git branch

Create branch

git branch <branch>

Switch to branch

git switch <branch>

Create branch then switch to it

git switch --create <branch>

Or shorthand:

git switch -c <branch>

Rename current branch

git switch --move <new-name>

Or shorthand:

git switch -m <new-name>

Delete branch

git branch --delete <branch>

Or shorthand:

git branch -d <branch>

Delete branch WITHOUT pushing it upstream

git branch --delete --force <branch>

Or shorthand:

git branch -D <branch>


Stash changes

git stash

Or to add a message to remember the stash by:

git stash --message <message>

Or shorthand:

git stash -m <message>

List stashes

git stash list

Apply stash to current working tree

git stash apply [<index>]

Apply stash to current working tree THEN remove it

git stash pop [<index>]

Remove stash

git stash drop [<index>]

Remove all stashes

git stash clear


Stage part of a file

git add --patch <file>

Or shorthand:

git add -p <file>

Note: y means stage this hunk. n means don't stage this hunk. s means split this hunk (not always possible). e means manually edit this hunk to add the specific lines you want to add (done when hunk is too big and s is not possible).


Undo latest commit

git reset HEAD~

Or to keep uncommitted changes staged:

git reset --soft HEAD~

Or to discard ALL uncommitted changes:

git reset --hard HEAD~

Note: You can lose a lot of work when using --hard, so only use it if you're sure you want to nuke your working tree (yes, you can use reflog, but still).

Change latest commit message

git commit --amend

Note: There should be no staged changes or else those will be added to the latest commit.

Change previous commit messages

git rebase --interactive <hash>~

Or shorthand:

git rebase -i <hash>~

Then, change pick to reword or r on the commits whose message you want to change.

Add changes to latest commit

Stage new changes, then:

git commit --amend

Or to NOT change the commit message:

git commit --amend --no-edit

Change previous commits

git rebase --interactive <hash>~

Or shorthand:

git rebase -i <hash>~

Then, change pick to edit or e on the commits you want to change. Once you're done with your changes, stage and commit them:

git commit --amend

Or to NOT change the commit message:

git commit --amend --no-edit

Then, move on to the next commit to change:

git rebase --continue

Or to discard the changes you've done so far and exit the interactive rebase:

git rebase --abort
